
All children need a well ordered, disciplined environment in which to learn and develop their self-control, respect and appreciation of others. We believe that in order to promote good behaviour, and thus work to the best of their abilities, children need to be offered positive role models who embody Christian Gospel values. They need to be taught how to behave well and appropriately within the context they’re in.
- To encourage a safe, calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within school. The behaviour policy is a “key system” to support safeguarding.
- To foster positive, caring attitudes towards everyone, where achievements at all levels are acknowledged and valued.
- To encourage increasing independence and self-discipline so that each child learns to accept responsibility for his/her own behaviour.
- To ensure safety by making boundaries of acceptable/appropriate behaviour clear.
- To create a common sense of direction and feeling of purpose for pupils, staff and parents.
- To identify quickly those children who need additional support and put strategies in place to support them.
- To ensure that all pupils, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination and policies reflect the duties of the Equality Act 2010.
- To ensure that our children recognise Gospel values as a model for good behaviour.
- To ensure all staff are relational and restorative in their interactions.
- Expectations of good behaviour are made clear and shared with pupils, parents and staff.
- We encourage all staff and children to embody Gospel Values.
- Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour.
- Positive behaviour is recognised and rewarded both publicly and private (stickers, dojo awards, special assembly mentions, praise).
- A whole school restorative approach is used when dealing with inappropriate behaviour.
- Parents are involved in any support programmes to foster good relationships between school and home.
- Suspensions and permanent exclusions will only be used as a last resort.
- Children are encouraged to report examples of positive behaviour.
If you have concerns about behaviours you have witnessed, please contact school directly in the first instance. However, if you feel the issue is more urgent, please complete the link below which will be sent directly to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.