01782 917640 office@stgg.org.uk


Miss Barclay

Mrs Hissey

Mrs Carter

Mrs Huckfield

Miss Greatbatch

Miss Moran

Miss Simpson


Welcome to EYFS, where we currently have Badgers, Hedgehogs and Squirrels classes led by Miss Barclay and Mrs Hissey supported by Mrs Carter, Mrs Huckfield, Miss Greatbatch, Miss Simpson and Miss Moran.

Our themes for Summer 1 Term are ‘Pirates’ and ‘On Safari’. We explore different environments, countries and oceans of the world as well as lots of map work. 

You can find our weekly timetable example, curriculum overviews and key dates for your diaries below.


Click here for tips on preparing for school:

School readiness

Weekly Timetable/Clubs

Below is an example of a typical week in Early Years.
Example weekly plan

Our PE day is THURSDAY. Please ensure your child arrives to school ready for PE with no earrings. 


Recycling club – Monday after school until 4pm with Mrs Carter and Mrs Hissey


Homework will be set every week (on a Friday) via Class dojo with a focus on an area of the EYFS curriculum (PSED, Physical, Communication and Language, Literacy, Maths EAD, UTW). You can return the homework by the following Friday via Class dojo so we can see it. If you require paper copies of the homework, if appropriate, please just let us know. We would also encourage you to read at home with your child at least 3 times a week and practise their phonics sounds with them on a regular basis using the Supersonic Phonic friends Newsletter.

Here is how we say the sounds of each letter of the alphabet:




10th June – Swimming begins for three weeks

EYFS induction evening for children starting in Nursery and Reception September 2024 – Thursday 13th June at 5.30pm

EYFS sports day – Wednesday3rd July at 9.15am

Teddy Bear’s Picnic for Pre-Nursery, Nursery, new starters in September and wider community – Tuesday 9th July at 1.30-2.30pm

Transition meeting for current Reception parents about transition to Year 1 – Friday 12th July at 2.30pm

Transition/bump up day where children spend the day in their new class – Wednesday 17th July