Key Stage One
Miss Snape
Mrs Gray
Mrs Wright
Mr Greathead
Welcome to Year 1/2. We will have three classes across the Key Stage taught by Mr Greathead, Miss Snape, Mrs Gray and Mrs Wright. These classes will be supported by Mrs Smith, Mrs Leech and Mrs Pierpoint.
You can find our weekly timetable and curriculum overviews below.
Clubs 3.15 – 4.00pm
Clubs for Autumn 1:
Weekly Timetable
Below is an example of a typical week in KS1.
Our PE days are :
Pupils may wear their school PE kit to school on these days with earrings removed if possible.
Children should have their book bag, reading book/diary and a named water bottle in school each day.
Our Curriculum
Please find our Curriculum Overveiws for each half term below.
Autumn 1 Half Termly Overview 2024&25
Our book focus for Autumn 2:
Homework will be set every week (on a Friday) via Class dojo with a focus on either writing or maths. You can return the homework by the following Friday via Class dojo so we can see it (or on paper). If you require paper copies of the homework, if appropriate, please just let us know. We would also encourage you to read at home with your child at least 3 times a week and practise their phonics sounds with them on a regular basis using the Supersonic Phonic friends Newsletter.
Monday 4th November – School opens
Week beginning 4th November- Shakeseare Week- Romeo and Juliet
Thursday 7th November – School disco 5-6pm
Friday 8th November- Shakespeare Showcase 3-4pm
Tuesday 12th November – Odd Socks Day for Anti-bullying
Wednesday 13th November- Pantomime in school